The first meeting was in Romania between 24-28 of august 2021 , the coordinator country of the project. The main objective of the meeting was to know each other better and analyze every aspect of the project and decide in the parts needs to be revised , where necessary.
The coordinators and one teacher from the project team of the each partner country joined in this meeting to discuss the details of the project activities, LTTs and TPMS. We discussed about the project logo , and project social media acoounts. Additionally, we talked about the organization and the details of the LTT in Greece. We decided in the detailed content of the training and schedule the training in detail. We discussed on the accomodation , insurance, travel and etc . we also studied on our another LTT that will be in Türkiye. It will be about Cyber Bullying, new generations and educational games in online teaching.
The details about the training were decided in this meeting. In addition to this, we decided in the format of the lesson plans for the online teaching and the details of the booklet.We discussed about the dissemination and the evaluation process of the project activities. We organized a project starting event, so that each country had the opportunity to introduce its country , culture , etc.
The first interim meeting was in Czhech Republic in 2 of May 2022. There were two participants from each country. Equal chance of participation to all the project team memebers were given.
The aim of this meeting was to see the ongoing process of the project activities. We analyzed our activities we have done so far. We discussed about the LTT in Eskişehir, Turkey and we chose the date for it. The detailed programme of the training was decided, travel, insurance of the participants, accomodation , etc were discused.
Each partner country will organize a workshop in their schools about the innovative and qulatitative digital lesson materials. The exact time, participants, and the report that will be prepared at the end of the workshop was discussed.
We also determined the educational games that will be used in online lessons. Each country will share its online lesson materials prepared by WEB2 tools and each country will load those materials into our projects website and youtube channel so that many people will be able to benefit from them during their online lessons.
This meeting toke place in Italy , 26-30,09,2022. There were be two partcipants from each country. Participants have determined according to the crietria mentioned in the project.
The aim of this meeting was the ongoing process of the project activities. We decided in the songs for the digital chorus.Each country will be ready with one of their traditional educational song. parents’ seminar about digital education were organized in detail, the content of the seminar, number of participants, catering for parents ( if necesary), the questionnaries to evaluate the seminar were discussed.
We talked about all the details of the activiies we have done so far, about the implementation of the project and the budget.
The final meeting of our project was in Samsun, Türkiye, between 5th to 9th of December 2022. There were 2 participants from each partner country, Romania, Turkey, Italy,Czech Republic and Greece.
The main aim was discuss every aspect of the projects. to analyze all the activities and see our pros and cons. We discussed the final version of the booklets , PPP and the digital lesson materials prepared by WEB2 tools, and our digital chorus.
We organized a project closure event and we received the project certificates.