Social conditions in education are affected by the needs and expectations of the era we live in. With Industry 4.0, we know the most advanced technologies in the world history. Many systems developed especially in the field of educational technologies enable educators to work more effectively. We can attend the trainings at one end of the world from the comfort of our home. While the world was being thrown in the wind of all these technological innovations, everything stopped suddenly while we were trying to catch up with these technological developments. The COVID19 pandemic has devastated the life of the whole world. While this epidemic affected the whole world and all sectors in the world, education was not tangent.

 The closure of schools and the transition from face-to-face education to “Online/ Distance” education was painful. Except for a few countries, most countries’ education systems did not have sufficient technological infrastructure to transition to online education.

Many problems came one after another such as programs/ applications required for distance education, course materials, technological equipment, professional competence of teachers, the process of meeting students with distance education and lack of motivation. In short, inequalities in education risked further deepening with the pandemic. UNESCO has published a document ( that addresses the side effects of school closures and the distance education process.

This document lists the main problems:

*Confusion and stress for teachers

*Parents unprepared for distance and home schooling

*Challenges creating, maintaining, and improving distance learning

*Rise in dropout rates

*Social isolation

*Prejudiced attitudes of educators and parents about the inadequacy of distance education

*Incompatibility between the learning styles of new generations students and their teachers, which are intertwined with technology

*Lack of digital competence of teachers within the scope of distance education

*lack of innovative and quality digital resources

*Difficulties in keeping students’ motivation high in the digital environment and weakening of school ties With the European cooperation (ET2020), the concept of countries exchanging knowledge and skills about their education and training systems comes to the fore.

Erasmus+ and eTwinning projects are among the most important tools that enable this exchange, application and experience sharing. (National Skills Strategy 2025) “The Europe 2020 strategy, which defines the development of education and human resources as the leading force in the development of the European Union, draws attention to the potential contribution of education and training to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

Professional development opportunities provided to staff in our institutions with our partnership are by acquiring upto-date learning and teaching methods of its staff, observing and exploring innovative learning and teaching practices at the European level, contributing to the smart, sustainable and inclusive growth of education and training. Our project partners include experts in the fields of Digital Education, Z and Alpha generation, Student and Teacher motivation, Cyber Bullying, ICT (WEB2 tools). With the partnership network we have created, we plan to benefit from each other’s superior aspects and to identify our shortcomings and develop these aspects together.

 In this project, there are 6 schools: TR (2 schools), RO, GT, IT, and Czech Republic. All our institutions except Romania have project experience in E+ programs. Our target groups is our institutions’ managers and teachers, our students (5-16), and their parents. Our target group consists our school staff, students and parents in the short term, and managers, teachers, students and parents in other institutions and organizations nearby in the long term.


 1.To strengthen motivation of students, teachers, and parents from 6 partner schools in terms of digital education by using structured courses, and project’s activities

 2.To improve by 10% the quality and with 15 teaching methods in distance learning in 50 teachers from 6 partner schools by using structured courses

3.To increase our students’ awareness of the positive aspects of online teaching and learning by equipping our education and training system to face the challenges presented by the recent sudden shift to online and distance learning by project activities.

We also aim to:

  • support teachers to develop their digital competences and knowledge of cyberbullying
  • come over the prejudice that digital education is more inadequate than face to face education -help to provide and promote high quality inclusive digital education and Open Educational Resources
  • strengthen the cooperation and networking between organizations
  • help to increase both the awareness and knowledge of teachers in terms of cyberbullying and new generations.